Anyway, January was so good to us. We've had Watson for 2 months and as you can see from the snaps he has become our life. We love him so much and we're so blessed to call him our little puppy son. Even if we do have to wake up before our alarm clocks to his little cry to take him outside, we're seriously lucky to have a puppy who doesn't make a mess in the house. I've become such a morning person because of it and appreciate having some quiet time before the day starts. So, thanks Watson!
Besides being completely in love with Watson, we really enjoyed the month of January even though it felt like we were going full speed ahead into the New Year without having a real vacation. After having a full house from our families visiting, Lane and I had to go right back to work and school. But I feel we've figured out our rhythms and have found times in our schedules to rest and not feel guilty when we do.
So cheers to 2015. You've been good to us so far!
Highlights from January
- Our first New Year's Day as husband, wife, and pup.
- Lane's 24th Birthday and his parents coming to town to celebrate with us.
- Friends visiting from Hawaii!
- Watson's first doctor visit to get his second shots.
- Ashlee and her dream wedding gown extravaganza!
- Dog sitting Fritzie aka Watson's older girlfriend.
- WATSON, WATSON, watson, watson!

Yours truly,
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