Because I have a lot of catching up to do, I'm allowing this post to be the calm before the storm hits my blog. The storm being the pile of projects that I've finally finished during the months leading up to our wedding. I've had the great privilege of photographing a folky wedding in April, a maternity shoot in May, our friend's proposal and engagement party, and of course, once I get our wedding photos from our awesome photog, I'll definitely be sharing a huuumunggouuuss post about our special day!
So before I share all of those wonderful events, I just wanted to fill you all in on our move up North. If you're following along on Instagram then you'd know about our tag #theportlandmove. It's been 3 weeks since our move up the west coast and I'm so proud of each person in our little group of Californians. A lot has happened in the little amount of time we've been here.

For starters, I got a job! When my semester begins in the Fall, I'll also be starting a new job as the new HR Student Assistant. It's part-time, but perfect for my schedule since I'll be a full-time grad student in the counseling program. Lane has been the most supportive husband through it all! I'm glad I live and do life with my number one fan.
Our friends who moved up to Portland with us (but not for us ha-ha!) have been able to find places to live in the city and have gotten full-time and part-time jobs as well. Go Trevor! Go Ashlee! Go Clayton! And Go Jenna! Cyber-highfive!

In every thing that's happened I can't help but thank God for His faithfulness and grace. There've been many times before and during all of this transition when I worried about things not working out- like not getting into grad school, not being able to find a place to live, or find a job. But as I type this, I shake my head in awe of all that He's provided to get us where we're at right now. It was by truly being broken before the Lord and asking Him for help and what do next that He was able to use our willingness and obedience to go and make a way.
And every day that we're in this new city, we're feeling more and more at home.
Lane and I ask that you all please continue to send us love, good thoughts, and prayers as we transition in to this new journey! We're still figuring a lot of things out and waiting to hear back from a few job opportunities. We're definitely trusting and hoping- hope with us? We really appreciate you all so much!
|| These photos were taken at our friend, Jenna's graduation party. Jenna graduated from Vanguard University in May and is originally from Hillsboro, Oregon. She's such a lovely lady- I'm so happy that she's a part of #theportlandmove. ||

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're ready for the explosion of creativity hitting this blog very soon! It's going to be awesome, you guys. I'm so excited to share!
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