5 / 52

"A self-portrait once a week, every week in 2014." // Lazy Saturday with my love.

Hey family,

Week 5 was a killer. Well for starters, I'm upon my last few weeks here at work! I put in my notice on Monday and  now I'm on the journey of tying up any lose ends and finishing off my time here well. It's been a great time working at my company. God has definitely blessed me with this awesome opportunity to work here right after graduating college. It's sad that I have to leave, but there's no where to go but forward! 

These photos were taken after lunch at Balboa Pier with my groom. That morning, Lane had woken up really early to get my car washed and vacuumed  the inside of it. He's just the best. If doing life with him now is like this, then I can't even imagine how much more it will be like when we're finally married!

Before lunch, we had our design meeting with our wedding planner at our venue. It's kind of driving me crazy that the next time I'll see the venue again will be on our wedding day! I just want it all to happen already. But at the same time, time needs to slow (the heck) down. My friends and I have been talking a lot about how different it will be in 4 months. I can't think about it without gulping really loud because of my throat being so dry from wanting to cry about it. Our friends have become family to us. They're our world!

So, I bet you're wondering, so what now, Jayna? Well I'll be moving out of my apartment in Anaheim next month and moving in with two families that have been so gracious and generous to let me live with them, as *drum roll please* their live-in nanny! After I move out of my apartment, there will be two months until Lane and I get married and move up to..... THE BEAUTIFUL STATE OF OREGON! 

Yes! It's all happening people! I'm applying for Graduate programs up there and a TON of jobs. Lane and I have decided that Oregon would be the best place to start our new life together, and we feel we've been called to do ministry up there, specifically in the Portland area. I've always had a huge heart for the homeless population, human trafficking, and run away teens. All of which, Portland is known for because it's where the "young retire."

We're so excited for this next season of our lives together as a (newly married) couple and as individuals. God has been stirring in us for quite awhile and we can't wait to GO! Please keep us in your good thoughts and prayers. Please pray that job opportunities would open up for Lane and I, and that I'd get accepted into Graduate School.

We love you all so much! And we are so thankful for your kind words and support.

1 comment:

  1. In what area so you plan on getting your degree? This is a very exciting time in your life. I am sure that God will bless you in abundance. Big, bold moves demonstrate tenacity and bravery, which leads to blessings.
