Jayna Obusan Photography

It's that time of the year where my iCalender looks like it has no empty white spaces during the "golden hour." I'm an aspiring portrait photographer in Southern California, and that means the more people I photograph, the more exposure I get as a photographer (no pun intended, if there was even a pun, haha). So a working girl has gotta do, what a working girl has gotta do. Two weeks ago, I had back-to-back days of scheduled senior shoots. A Sunday afternoon at Disneyland (how awesome, I love this job!), a Monday afternoon at Newport Pier, and a Tuesday afternoon in a woodsy Lake Forest. You've all seen previews of these shoots in previous posts. So this post is dedicated to finally showing off the finished products! I'm going to post my favorites from each shoot and I hope you feel the same way. But to see more photos click this link: jaynaobusanphotos.tumblr.com! Thanks for all the love and support, lovely people. You all are gems!

Thank you for being so understanding due to my lack of posts. Graduation is in T-16 days. That means more homework, less blogging. Stay tuned for more photos! Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. the quality and the story in your pictures is amazing! Hopefully you can take me&joemar's pictures one day..see you in PI! -Marie (Kim'scousin)
