February was short and sweet. But mostly sweet because, of course, Valentine's day and celebrating five years of being with Lane. I always get so nostalgic when we hit our yearly dating anniversaries, but for some reason, this year I felt like we actually celebrated Valentine's day instead of our anniversary. I guess, the real anniversary for me doesn't come until May 24th! Nonetheless, Lane is my best friend and I love celebrating any holiday with him!
For our Valentine's/Anniversary date, Lane and I crossed the river in to Vancouver, Washington for a movie and sit-in dinner night at Cinetopia! It was really cool to have some fries and chicken sliders than the regular popcorn while watching Kingsman: Secret Service. But the sweetest part of our date was my gift from Lane: I GOT MY NAILS DID- HOLLA! Okay, people. The last time I've gotten my nails done was during our honeymoon in Maui. So it was really nice to get pampered and pretty. I don't normally get my nails done because I've worn shoes all winter so I wouldn't even be able to show off my toe polish and I honestly don't think about it until I see an Instagram post of a girls perfectly polished nails. It's possible that I'm not much of a girly girl that I thought I was.
Of course, my "gift" to Lane was a new blow dart gun that he picked out himself while I was getting my nails done. My husband collects weapons. I know that sounds scary and dangerous. But honestly, he's such a little kid when it comes to swords, bows & arrows (which yes, he does have), blow dart guns, you name it. His excuse (and mine too!) is he's preparing for a zombie apocalypse. We're huge Walking Dead fans- Daryl and Rick would be so proud (I think). But blow dart gun, check! A new piece in his collection.
I hope everyone had a fun and memorable February and Valentine's day. I didn't need an expensive, fancy-shmancy dinner with Lane to be reminded of how much he loves me and chooses me. All it took was a seat in a massage chair and my feet soaking in a foot tub. So much love & appreciation for my husband.
Highlights from February:
- Paramore & Copeland Tickets are bought! We'll be seeing them in Portland the day after our one year wedding anniversary. So FUN!
- We met a group of really cool people at Ace Hotel in Downtown Portland. Before we met, they sat across the room from us and were pointing at us and giggling. At first I thought they were talking smack. But one of them said they were sorry for doing that and said that our group of friends resembled the international version of FRIENDS the TV show. Ha! We exchanged stories and found out they're Christians in town for a conference. Love these kinds of wacky encounters and experiencing the bigness of God's Kingdom on Earth.
- JAIME AND MADISON: PLEASE MOVE TO PORTLAND! Our friends were in town and we loved every moment of it. We did all touristy things and got a lot of cool pictures in. Which reminds me to get on that blog post ASAP. But in all seriousness, we love these two so much!
- I'm a maid! Ashlee's Bridesmaid! I said yes to standing with my girl as she says "I do" to one of the sweetest, genuine, caring souls I know aka Lane's bestiefortherestie, Trevy Trev 44. Haha today marks 101 days until the big day! So, so exciting!
- If you were to look out my window right now you wouldn't believe me when I say that it has been so beautiful and warm these past few days. But seriously, cherry blossom trees every where are blooming and it's all magical when I feel the warm sun on my skin. Sun, never leave, please?
- 5 words. Watson in his grandpa sweater. That's it.

Yours truly,
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