Hey YTJ family,
I can't believe 2013 is over! It was like yesterday that I was dancing my way into 2013 with my best friend on my front lawn. And kissing my sister and parents at midnight!
So let's hear it for 2013 for being a great one. From graduating college, moving out of the dorms (where I've lived for the past 4 years), moving into my own place with my sister, starting my first full-time job, then finally getting engaged- this year has taught me to appreciate the life I've been given and to be fully present in each moment.
My "thankful" list out numbers the difficult times that I've faced in this past season. And even then, I am still thankful for the growing pains that God has let me overcome with such victory! I've never been this stressed in my entire life, but I've also never felt this type of joy before. It's all so beautiful, crazy, and strange all at once. Life doesn't feel so much as a need to survive anymore, but a need to live and be fully alive.
As I'm typing this, I'm sitting outside on the patio at home in Hawaii. Yes, I'm home! What a beautiful way to bring in the new year- with my family and in Hawaii. Knowing that my life is going to be a lot different this same time next year has me in a whirlwind of emotion. Next year, I'll be married to Lane and we'll be making our own traditions as a new family. How exciting, right?! But I can't wrap my mind around the fact that I won't be home in Hawaii celebrating Christmas and New Year's with my family- the way it's always been for the past 22 years. (I'm seriously holding back tears as I type this.)
So here's to a New Year of love, life, growth, joy, and peace. This new year, I know, will be a challenging one because of all the changes that will happen in just a few months (actually 5 months to be exact- Lane and I are getting married!). And with that understanding, I know full well that I have a God that will see me through any hard time, be there in my laughter and tears, and is the foundation for my future, our future.
I hope all of you had a beautiful Christmas with your loved ones, and have a happy and healthy New Year. Thank you for being the best support system this year! One of my resolutions is to update this blog every week. Let's hope I can follow through!
Here are a few of my favorite moments from this past year!

That is so great. I'm so happy for you and everything that's been happening in your life this past year! I wish you the best as you go into 2014 and as you get ready to marry your best friend. Happy new year [: