Celebrations and Updates

Hello blog world,

Yes! I'm here - I'm actually blogging! Instead of apologizing and begging for forgiveness, I'll just get right to the chase. I have been busy like none other. If you follow my Instagram, then it's obvious why I can't blog. I'm busy workin' a big kid job.

Because I'm stuck looking at a computer screen everyday from 8 in the morning to 5 in the evening, what I really don't want to do when I get home is look at another computer screen. But tonight, as I was editing pictures from my friend's birthday party this past weekend, I thought you know since I'm up late editing, I might as well make an appearance.

It's been a full month since I've started my job and as much as I'm excited, I'm also very tired, and ready for a vacation. But really, did I even get a vacation this Summer? Right after Finals was graduation, then after that I moved to LA, then moved back down to the OC, then started a job. I swear, I didn't get a breath in there. Even though I feel a bit overwhelmed, I'm happy. But tired.

And because I'm still young and only 21, after a crazy work week I like to reward myself every weekend by hanging out with the coolest people I know.

So cool we throw birthday parties for SGA Prezzies.

Here's some pictures of this past weekend.

Oh, and huge update: I GOT BANGS!

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Happy Birthday, my beautiful!


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