A Formal Introduction

So, this is probably the third blog I've started in two years. But because I'm nearing the end of my undergraduate career, I thought why not begin a blog 3 weeks before I begin this new and exciting season of my life: "post-graduation." My previous blogs I still count as successful, but I honestly prefer Blogspot over Tumblr; I guess for the professional qualities this blog illuminates.
I'm a simple gal with complex hopes and dreams. I was born and raised on Oahu, Hawaii and moved to Sunny Southern California for college. I'm graduating with my Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Minor in Music. Because I'm an English major, I love to read! I'll make a list of my favorite books and post it on here one day (I promise). I love to sing and photograph people during my free time, and spend quality-time with my awesome + smart + sweet + cute+ handsome + loving +caring boyfriend, Lane. I have a huge Asian family all living on different parts of the globe. I have an older sister, Jayanne, who will someday day be my Maid/Matron of Honor because she's the best sister and a best friend to me-- Love her.
I'm really excited to have "free-time" to update my blog. Take more pictures and share my story with you all.
I'm so appreciative of my faithful followers who have gone from blog, to blog, to blog. You are all so precious to me, and I would love to hear from you all-- your dreams and your stories.

Thanks for stopping by!

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