Feelin' Pretty Honored

Yesterday was the debut of this year's 10th Edition of the Vanguard University Synecdoche: Literary Journal. As an English Major requirement to graduate I was on staff of this year's editorial team, as Co-Managing Editor. Last night we celebrated with a live Jazz Combo, cheesecake, coffee, laughs, and awards. The induction of the Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society also took place last night where I received a cool medallion and cords to wear at this year's graduation commencement. I was excited when I found out I was being inducted! My boyfriend, Lane, and older sister, Jayanne, was also there to cheer me on (and take my pictures).
Last night's festivities is one of the reasons why I know I'm going to miss being at Vanguard. The sense of community like this is irreplaceable.
A couple of my English friends who aren't graduating this semester told me that they were sad that we finally created a little family and now I'm about to leave. Even though it broke my heart to know that that was true, it made my heart happy knowing I have people who truly care about me at Vanguard. I've been really blessed with professors and friends who truly care about me and my talents.
28 days left, my friends! Let's make them count!

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